Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Once More Into The Brink

  Readers, Stalkers, Patriots, Spies, and various persons of undoubtable good taste. It has been a lifetime since I lasted posted on OutofOrder. Multiple situations over the past year arose, and demanded that sharp elbows and harsh words needed to be deployed. Certain Death and spiritual rebirths and all the other things that make a life the single most perplexing, stupefying, caustic, white knuckle ride one encounters have seemed to be launched upon me recently. Ah my sweet mistress, life, like a scorned lover you never cease to bemuse me while at the same time bring me to the utter edge of my sobriety. 

 It is a sad affair to need to inform you that a champion of Conservativism has indeed left us for a far better reward today. Stan Evans passed away today at the young age of 80 years of age. His sharp sense and caustic wit was not to be missed if the opportunity existed to see it in play, particularly against an unsuspecting foil. He left to us a legacy of fine work in his books and columns over the decades. Any piece in which he addresses his tangles with the Nixon Administration is a real eye opening and exhilarating joy to read/ listen to. 

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